Configure mail settings

Configure mail content lifetime

Define how long mail contents are stored in the server. The default setting is 30 days. You can store mail contents for a minimum of 1 day and for a maximum of 30 days.

To configure mail content lifetime, go to Settings > Secure Mail 2024 > Configuration > MAIL CONTENT LIFETIME (DAYS).

  1. Enter the default, minimum, and maximum number of days for storing mail contents. Editor and Doctave Desktop App
  2. To save your changes, scroll down to the bottom of the page and select SAVE CHANGES. Editor and Doctave Desktop App

Allow and block attachment MIME types and file extensions

Define allowed and blocked MIME types and file extensions for sending mail attachments. Wildcard syntax * can be used to match any value. Combining a wildcard syntax with text is not allowed, such as in text/*.

To define allowed and blocked MIME types and file extensions, go to Settings > Secure Mail 2024 > Configuration > ATTACHMENT ALLOWLIST.

Add MIME types and file extensions to the allowlist

  1. Enter the allowed MIME types and file extensions to their related fields and click on the + icon below the table. Editor and Doctave Desktop App

  2. To save your changes, select SAVE CHANGES at the bottom of the page. Editor and Doctave Desktop App

Add MIME types and file extensions to the blocklist

  1. To block MIME types and file extensions, select Switch to blocklist. You can use this icon to toggle between the allowlist and the blocklist. Editor and Doctave Desktop App

  2. Enter the blocked MIME types and file extensions to their related fields and click on the + icon below the table. Editor and Doctave Desktop App

  3. To save your changes, select SAVE CHANGES at the bottom of the page. Editor and Doctave Desktop App

Delete MIME types and file extensions

  1. To delete an allowed or blocked MIME type and its related file extension, switch to the correct list and click on the - icon on the right side of the field. Editor and Doctave Desktop App

  2. Finish by selecting SAVE CHANGES at the bottom of the page. Editor and Doctave Desktop App

Configure notification email address

When users receive a confidential message, they receive a notification email through which they can access that message.

To define the email address from which your users get the notification email from, go to Settings > Secure Mail 2024 > Configuration > FROM ADDRESS OF NOTIFICATION EMAILS.

  1. Enter the notification email address into the email address field. Editor and Doctave Desktop App

  2. To save your changes, select SAVE CHANGES at the bottom of the page. Editor and Doctave Desktop App

Configure maximum mail size

Define the maximum size of secure mails in bytes.

To configure the maximum mail size, go to Settings > Secure Mail 2024 > Configuration > MAX MAIL SIZE IN BYTES.

  1. Enter the maximum mail size into the text field. Editor and Doctave Desktop App

  2. To save your changes, select SAVE CHANGES at the bottom of the page. Editor and Doctave Desktop App

  3. The maximum mail size may also need to be adjusted in server components such as postfix and nginx at approximately 1.33 times the size of this maximum mail size value.

    • in postfix look for the message_size_limit configuration in /etc/postfix/
    • in nginx look for the client_max_body_size configuration in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf

Reset all mail setting configurations

  1. To reset mail setting configurations, including authentication settings, select Reset configs at the top right corner of the page.

  2. Select the configurations to be reset by checking the boxes and finish by selecting Reset selected configs at the bottom of the page.

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