Apply theming


Define how the Secure Mail 2024 user interface looks to your users.

To customize the user interface, go to Settings > Secure Mail 2024 > Theming.

Editor and Doctave Desktop App

Apply theming

  1. To define the primary and secondary colors, the color of the header section, and the color of the header, click on the colored icons. Editor and Doctave Desktop App

Select a color from the color map or use the eyedropper to select a color from anywhere in your workspace. Editor and Doctave Desktop App

  1. To apply the color, click on anywhere on the page. The color appears on the preview on the right. Editor and Doctave Desktop App

  2. To add a logo from your computer, select Choose File. Allowed logo file types are JPEG, PNG, and SVG. Editor and Doctave Desktop App

  3. To save your configurations, select Save. Editor and Doctave Desktop App

Reset all theming configurations

  1. To reset all theming configurations, select Reset configs. Editor and Doctave Desktop App

  2. Finish by selecting Save. Editor and Doctave Desktop App

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