Configure mail routing rules


Use mail routing rules to control how and from which email addresses secure mails can be sent. If the message matches any of the mail routing rules, it is sent to the recipient.

Mail routing rules can be configured to apply to a group or an individual user. You can have the same group or user included in multiple rules. The first rule that includes that group or user is applied first.

To create a mail routing rule, go to Settings > SalaX Secure Mail > Mail Routing.

Secure Mail will be installed with the default mail routing rules shown below.

Create a mail routing rule

  1. Select Add New Rule.

  2. Select the allowed source of secure mails: Any, SMTP, or API. The allowed sources are explained below.

    • SMTP: Secure mails can be sent from any email service.
    • API: Secure mails can be sent only from the Secure Mail web application.
    • Any: Secure mails can be sent from Secure Mail web application or any email service.
  3. Select the sender's method of authentication: Any, Plain text, Cookie, Password, Mail-OTP, or SMS.

  4. Define the sender of the message. You can toggle between a group or an inidividual user. Select a group from a drop-down menu or enter an email address into the email address field.

  5. Define the recipient of the message. Again, you can toggle between a group or an inidividual user. Select a group from a drop-down menu or enter an email address into the email address field.

  6. Select the delivery method: Auto, Reject, Link, or Plain text.

  7. Select the recipient's authentication method: Auto, Cookie, or Mail-OTP.

  8. To configure the minimum and maximum message sizes in bytes, select Advanced. Enter the minimum and maximum values in numbers and finish by selecting Save.

    Note. The message size must also be configured on the server. Contact your server administrator to modify the message_size_limit configuration for postfix. The message_size_limit configuration must be 1.33 times the size of the maximum mail size configured on Admin Center (D-Center).

  9. To save the rule, select Save.

    If you configure multiple mail routing rules, you can define their priority order by dragging them up and down in the mail routing list.

Delete a mail routing rule

  1. To delete a rule, select Remove rule on the right side of the rule.
  2. Finish by selecting Save.

Reset all mail routing rule configurations

  1. To reset all mail routing configurations, select Reset configs at the top right corner of the page.

  2. Finish by checking the box and selecting Reset selected configs.

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