Manage groups


Use groups to grant outbound policies and mail routing rules to a group of users.

Secure Mail will be installed with the default internal, external, everyone and no_one groups. everyone and no_one groups are immutable.

internal and external groups are set/changed via the Maildomains settings, which are set during the installation but can be updated later. For example, if the provided mail domain is, internal group members will be *, and external group members will be !*

To manage groups, go to Settings > Secure Mail 2024 > Groups.

Editor and Doctave Desktop App

Create a group

  1. Enter the name of your group. Editor and Doctave Desktop App

  2. Select Match any or Match all:

    These options are needed for the other configurations using groups to determine if a given email address belongs to that group.

    • If you select Match any, the given email belongs to the group if it matches against the wildcard patterns of any group member.

    • If you select Match all, the given email belongs to the group if it matches against the wildcard patterns of all group members.

Editor and Doctave Desktop App

  1. Click on the + icon to add your group to the group list.

Editor and Doctave Desktop App

  1. Finish by selecting SAVE CHANGES.

Editor and Doctave Desktop App

Edit a group

  1. To edit a group, click on the pencil icon next to the group. Editor and Doctave Desktop App

  2. You can edit the name of the group and the match any/match all configuration. To save the changes, select Save changes. Editor and Doctave Desktop App

  3. Finish by selecting SAVE CHANGES. Editor and Doctave Desktop App

Delete a group

  1. To delete a group, click on the trash can icon next to the group that you want to delete. Editor and Doctave Desktop App

  2. Finish by selecting SAVE CHANGES. Editor and Doctave Desktop App

Add members to a group

  1. To add members to a group, click the group to which you want to add members. Below is an example of adding members to a group called "ExampleGroup". Editor and Doctave Desktop App

  2. Enter members to the text field on the right. A member can be either a single email address or a wildcard pattern. The basic pattern that all group members must adhere to is user@domain.

    NOTE. The group members do not need to be registered Secure Mail accounts. You can grant outbound policies and mail routing rules to any email address. Editor and Doctave Desktop App

    For the instructions on how to use wildcard patterns, refer to the instructions below or to the Usage guide on the Groups page. Editor and Doctave Desktop App

  3. After you added all members, finish by selecting SAVE CHANGES. Editor and Doctave Desktop App

Use of wildcard patterns

Below is an example of how wildcard patterns are used. Editor and Doctave Desktop App

The @ sign

  • The @ sign is mandatory.
  • Only one @ sign is allowed.
  • The pattern and the input email break at the first @ sign found.

The * sign

  • The * sign is equivalent to any character.
  • The * sign can be placed anywhere before and/or after the @ sign.

The ! sign

  • The ! sign is interpreted as a negation of the match. It is allowed only as the first character of the pattern (the 0th index).

  • If there is a negation sign at the first place and the match is true, the result is false. If there is a negation sign at the first place and the match is false, the result is true.

Reset all group configurations

  1. To reset all group configurations, select Reset configs at the top right corner of the page. Editor and Doctave Desktop App

  2. Finish by selecting SAVE CHANGES. Editor and Doctave Desktop App

    After the reset, the default internal, external, everyone and no_one groups will stay. Editor and Doctave Desktop App

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